发布时间:2025-01-31 人浏览
本文摘要:Facebook just blew your mind, paying $19 billion for WhatsApp, a start-up that has more than 450 million active users, but which drew surprisingly little in the way of buzz ( a conscious decision by the sites founders, it turns out). Its not every day you see a little-discussed, private company go for that much money, and we can already hear the debate about it starting.Facebook耗资190亿美元并购初创企业WhatsApp有可能令人大感愤慨,但外界对该交易的抨击之声却胆怯的少(这证明Facebook创始人作出的这一并购要求是明智的)。
Facebook just blew your mind, paying $19 billion for WhatsApp, a start-up that has more than 450 million active users, but which drew surprisingly little in the way of buzz ( a conscious decision by the sites founders, it turns out). Its not every day you see a little-discussed, private company go for that much money, and we can already hear the debate about it starting.Facebook耗资190亿美元并购初创企业WhatsApp有可能令人大感愤慨,但外界对该交易的抨击之声却胆怯的少(这证明Facebook创始人作出的这一并购要求是明智的)。这并不是我们常常听见的关于“一家名不见经传的私人企业售出高价”的故事。我们早已听见了有关该交易的一些辩论。
Here are the raw numbers, just to help inform the debate:以下是一些原始数据,可以老大你理解涉及辩论:$19 Billion The total value of the deal: $4 billion in cash, $12 billion in stock, and $3 billion in restricted stock.190亿美元:并购交易的总估值为190亿美元,其中40亿为现金,120亿为股票,30亿为限制性股票。$1 Billion Break-up fee should the deal not go through.10亿美元:若交易搁置,Facebook将向WhatsApp缴纳10亿美元续约酬劳。7.9% WhatsApps employees will hold about 7.9% of Facebooks total Class A common stock and restricted stock.7.9%:Facebook向WhatsApp员工派发的Facebook A类普通股和限制性股票将占Facebook总股本的7.9%。
$104 billion Facebooks valuation at the time of its IPO.1,040亿美元:Facebook在首次公开发表IPO(IPO)时的估值为1,040亿美元。$16 Billion Amount Facebook raised in its IPO.160亿美元:Facebook通过IPO筹资160亿美元。
$25 Billion Twitters valuation at the time of its IPO.250亿美元:推特(Twitter)在IPO 时的估值为250亿美元。$2.1 Billion Amount Twitter raised in its IPO.21亿美元:推特通过IPO筹资21亿美元。$1 Billion Price Facebook paid for Instagram in 2012.10亿美元:Facebook在2012年耗资10亿美元并购Instagram。
$8 Million Amount of capital invested in WhatsApp in 2011 by Sequoia Capital.800万美元:Sequoia Capital在2011年向WhatsApp投资800万美元。2009 Year of WhatsApps founding, by Brian Acton and Jan Kourn, former Yahoo employees.2009年:WhatsApp创立于2009年,创始人为前雅虎(Yahoo)员工阿克顿(Brian Acton)和Jan Kourn。400,000,000 The number of active users, according to a December blog post from WhatsApp.4亿人:据WhatsApp在去年12月份的一篇博文中称之为,其活跃用户数为4亿人。450,000,000 The number of active users, today, according to Facebooks press release.4.5亿人:Facebook的新闻稿称之为,目前WhatsApp活跃用户数为4.5亿人。
70% Percentage of users who are active on the app on a daily basis.70%:上述用户中的70%每天都在用于WhatsApp。1,000,000 The company says its adding more than 1 million new users a day.100万人:WhatsApp称之为,当前每日追加登记用户多达100万人。
945,000,000 Monthly active users on Facebook, as of Dec. 31.9.45亿人:截至去年12月31日,Facebook的月活跃用户数为9.45亿人。50 The number of employees at WhatsApp50:WhatsApp的员工人数为50人。Five: WhatsApp is the fifth most downloaded app on Android devices.第五:WhatsApp是安卓(Android)设备下载量名列第五的应用于。
Zero Number of ads that appear on WhatsApp. The service doesnt sell ads.零:WhatsApp上的广告数量为零,该应用程序不刊出广告。