“凯发k8国际官网”电子产品更新换代之烦恼 Why are we addicted to upgrades?
发布时间:2024-12-10 人浏览
本文摘要:Although his 1-year-old smartphone still works perfectly, Li Jijia already feels the need to replace it.尽管用了一年的智能手机完好无损,李继嘉(音译)早已一动了想换新手机的念头。
Although his 1-year-old smartphone still works perfectly, Li Jijia already feels the need to replace it.尽管用了一年的智能手机完好无损,李继嘉(音译)早已一动了想换新手机的念头。“It has been a year. There are many better ones available now,” said the 21-year-old education major at Central China Normal University. “It’s time to upgrade my phone.”“早已用了一年了,市面上出有了很多更加强劲的手机。
”就读于华中师范大学教育学专业、21岁的李继嘉说道:“是时候换新手机了”。Li’s impatience is shared by many. Shortly after the season when new gadgets are released, many consumers feel the urge to upgrade their electronic devices, even though the ones they have still work just fine.很多人都像李继嘉一样迫切。
新品公布季刚过,很多顾客之后迫不及待地要改版他们的电子设备,即便原有的仍能长时间用于。As consumers obsess over Apple’s newly released products and debate whether the Google tablet is better than the new Amazon Kindle, it might be time to take a step back and ask: “Do we really need the latest upgrades?”当顾客们于是以着迷于苹果的新产品,冷议决着谷歌平板电脑和亚马逊Kindle阅读器哪个更佳时,也许我们是时候该退一步只想看看了:“我们知道必须这些近期的电子产品吗?”New psychology新一轮的心理战According to Donald Norman, American author of the book The Design of Everyday Things, “planned obsolescence” is the trick behind the upgrading culture of today’s consumer electronics industry.《设计每天的生活》一书的作者、美国作家唐纳德诺曼指出,隐蔽在当今电子行业大大更新换代文化背后的是“计划性出厂”的把戏。
The New York Times cited Norman last month, saying that electronics manufactures strategically release new upgrades periodically, both for hardware and software, so that customers on every level feel the need to buy the newest version.上个月《纽约时报》提到诺曼的话说道,电子厂商们有计划地定期公布近期的软硬件升级产品,这样一来每个层次的顾客都实在有适当去出售近期版本。“This is an old-time trick– they’re not inventing anything new,” he said.诺曼回应:“这还是过去的旧把戏——没什么新的点子。
”Thomas Wensma, a Dutch designer, despises the “planned obsolescence” of companies, as recently reported by UK-based The Guardian.最近英国《卫报》有报导称之为,来自荷兰的设计师托马斯文斯玛十分痛恨许多公司采行的“计划性出局”策略。Wensma said this is a wasteful system through which companies – many of them producing personal electronics – release shoddy products simply because “they know that, in six months or a year, they’ll put out a new one”.文斯玛说道这是一种非常浪费资源的机制。
在这样的机制中,还包括许多个人电子产品生产商在内的企业们之所以发售劣质货,是因为“他们确切,一年半载之后,不会有新品发售。”But the new psychology of consumers is part of this system, as Wensma conceded to the newspaper: “We now want something new, something pretty, the next shiny thing.”而如今消费者心理的转变也沦为该机制的一部分,文斯玛向英国《卫报》透漏说道:“现在我们都讨厌新奇炫的东西。”Huge profits暴利“It’s to the detriment of the consumer and the environment,” as the New York Times quoted Norman. “But perhaps to the betterment of the stockholder.”“这对消费者和环境来说是种损害”《纽约时报》援引诺曼的话说道:“但对股东们而言毕竟好事一件。
”In its most recent fiscal year, Apple’s profit margin was more than 21 percent, reported the Los Angeles Times. At Hewlett-Packard, the world’s biggest PC manufacturer, it was only 7 percent.据《洛杉矶时报》报导称之为,苹果公司近期年度财务报告表明,其利润率多达21%。而作为全球仅次于的个人电脑制造商,惠普公司的利润率仅有为7%。
“Steven Jobs pushed the principle of ‘planned obsolescence’ to new heights,” the newspaper commented on the company’s profits and marketing strategy. “Apple’s annual upgrades of its products generate sales of millions of units as owners of one year’s MacBook or iPhone line up to buy the newest version, even when the changes are incremental.”“史蒂夫乔布斯将‘计划性出局’推上了一个新高度。”《洛杉矶时报》在评论苹果公司的利润与营销战略时如是说:“用户们退出了刚售予一年的苹果笔记本电脑Macbook或iPhone,再度排起长龙去出售近期产品,这样一来苹果公司每年的产品升级都带给了数百万的销量,尽管这些产品升级有时只是常态而非异化。”Peer pressure朋友圈的压力As to Li Jijia, the need for upgrading his smartphone comes mainly from friends and classmates. When the majority of friends are switching to the latest devices, he worries about feeling left out.对于李继嘉来说,换手机的市场需求主要源于朋友和同学的压力。
因为大部分朋友都换回了新的,他担忧自己落伍。“Some apps and games require better hardware to run,” said Li. “If you don’t join in, you lose part of the connection to your friends.”“有些应用于和游戏必须更佳的硬件才能运营,”李继嘉说道:“如果你瓦解的组织,就不会跟朋友们格格不入。